LBH Tabs

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More peeks and other info...

Only 2 days left!!!!  The Big Reveal and launch of the first Front Porch Kit happens this Friday!!

We are so excited and anxious to reveal our March Kit and  our projects to you!!   ...We have named it "A Little Birdie told Me..." Here are a couple more peeks for you to enjoy...

Once again, I want to thank those of you who have followed our "Get it Together" Organizational feature!
Our final GIT Winner has been selected and will recieve a $30 LBH Gift Certificate compliments of the LBH gals and the Little Blue House! And the winner is~~~~~~~~
Debra White
Congrats Debra!!
 Please contact the LBH to claim your Gift Certificate.

We have truly enjoyed your comments and loved the pictures and emails that you have sent us! I hope your scrap spaces and supplies have been transformed over the past  8 weeks. As promised yesterday, here are some suggestions on where to donate items in your Blessings Box. 

1. Children's Hospitals: 
Most hospitals will accept donations but only if they are new and in the original packaging. This is due to their efforts to try to keep items as clean and free of germs/bacteria. If you have scrappy goodies that are not used, please consider donating them to your local hospital.

2. Senior Centers:
Most local areas have a Senior Center. There is usually a high demand for craft/sewing supplies. Please contact them first, before you go to drop off items. Ask for the coordinator that is in charge of craft activities and when they will be at the center. Sometimes, this position is filled by a volunteer and they may work only on specific days.

3. Women's Shelters:
To donate items to your local Women's Shelters you will need to contact the Police Dept. and find out if there is a coordinator to drop off these items with. Some Women's Shelters are not made public as to protect those who are residing there. They almost always have children and could make good use of craft supplies for their kids. Some have had to leave their belongings behind so this would be a good place to donate anything kid-friendly.

4. Local Schools:
Contact your local schools and ask if they are in need of craft items. Also, ask your PTA representatives...they may have a specific need for certain craft items too.  Be sure to ask if they have an after school program and who coordinates it. They may be in need of supplies as well.

5. Local Churches:
Talk with someone at your church or other local churches and see if they could use your supplies. Especially this time of year, with Vacation Bible School and Childrens Camps coming up this Summer, they could put your supplies to good use. They may have a need for their Youth groups and Senior groups too.

6. New Scrapbookers or Jr. Scrapbookers:
Ask around in your Scrapping circle of friends and see if anyone know of someone that is new to our scrappy hobby. I'm sure they would appreciate your goodies! Also, think about the next generations of crafters...your kids or your friends kids! Consider putting together a little "beginner's basket" of goodies together for them.  Even if they aren't super crafty, they can always put to some of your items to use on upcoming school projects.

7.  GoodWill / Thrift Stores:
If you have left over items after you have donated to specific places, consider donating the rest to GoodWill or your local Thrift Store.

Tomorrow, I will post one final Front Porch peek and draw the name of our Front Porch Kit keep your comments coming! This will increase your chances of winning the March Kit!!  I will also post inof on how to join us for our first webcast from the LBH...Friday Night Live!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Miss Tracy :)


  1. I so hope I win this! I know it will be a FANTASTICAL kit!

  2. such cute reviews.... cannot wait.. Congrats Debra

  3. loving the sneaks and hoping to win!

  4. Yea for Debra! Congratulations!

  5. great ideas for the scrapping supplies-espec at the women's shelters-great stress think I 'm gonna love whatever you've done with the bottle caps!

  6. love that kit name!! all those lil birdie peeks are so excited to see the kit! hugs!

  7. I cant wait for the big reveal!!! Friday cant come quick enough!!!! A little birdie told me I will want one of these!!!

  8. Looking forward to no more Sneak Peaks of the Front Porch Kits - ready to see the real deal! and of course, hoping to win too!

  9. may I also suggest the Gladney Center in Fort Worth. The birth mothers make scrapbooks for their babies. I recently took a couple of boxes to them and they were so excited. They were down to just a few sheets of paper and some stickers.

  10. Great suggestion Detta!! Thank you for sharing that!

  11. Congrats on launching your first kit! It looks AMAZING!!!

  12. i think the blessing box is a wonderful idea.

  13. Thanks so much for all the awesome suggestions on donating blessing boxes. I am steadily adding to my box to donate to Girls Inc. Love the idea of scrapping it forward!!!

  14. Oh my GOSH!!! Seriously??? I won??? Woohoo!!! Thanks LBH!!!!!

  15. This sneek peek is very intriguing!

  16. Love those cute little birds. Can't wait to see more!


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