LBH Tabs

Sunday, January 29, 2012

CHA Creative Adventure: Day #3

Good Morning my friends!!!!
Miss Tracy here and I have to say this morning is one of those "If they could only see me now" kinda moments...I'm seriously MulTi-TaSkiNg right now...I'm at the desk in what Mrs. Rogers calls the bonus room...(I'll explain more about Mrs. Rogers and her lovely home in just a bit). It's about 7:30am here in beautiful Mission Viejo and as I said I'm planted at the desk, writing this post, with a make-up mirror to the left of me, along with my straightner, charging my camera battery, and I'm frantically typing and uploading pictures to this post in between applying my make up, texting the kiddos at home, running the straightner thru my hair...and I all the suddened kinda stopped and looked at myself and thought...Wouldn't my LBH family get a kick out of all this chaos?!?!?! So I decided to grab my camera and take a quick pic...
 Today I crown myself the Queen of Multi-Tasking!!!

Enough of the "silly"ness....Let me tell you about CHA Day #3!
It was a hugely productive day for us! We attended three specific seminars...with some amazing dynamic speakers!  I always fret a bit about signing up for seminars (cuz you never know if it's gonna be a monotone speaker and turn into a snooze fest)...but these seminars were FaBulOus!!! Loved all of the speakers and they had such great, USEFUL, information to share with us that we can easily put into ACTION into our everyday runnings of the HoUse and our personal DeSigN promotion.
One of the seminars was all about Video Presentations! We're very excited about embarking on some fun filming adventures!!! Can anyone say...LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!!!!!!!
Here are a couple of the speakers that we just fell in love with...

 Julie Balzer

The Crafty Chica...Kathy

Theresa Cifali

I owe it all to Theresa...she inspired to post my first TwEeT yesterday! I have no idea really what I'm doing but ...hey, I'm tweeting!!! I'll learn as I go...I hope you will connect with me as I prepare to TwEet from the showroom floor today!

After all the seminars we were starving!!! I was totally craving some major carbs, so we went to Cheescake Factory where I indulged in a HUGE portion of Pasta!!! I'm still full this morning...hah!
After that it was back to Mrs. Roger's neighborhood for a quick change of clothes and then we spent the rest of the night having what I will call....the LBH Planning Party!!!! So let me tell you a bit about where we are staying...Mrs. Rogers (who is Hilary's mother) has been kind enough to open her home to us during our stay here in CA. It is a lovely home and trust me....If I could play the them song to Mr. would be completely appropriate! It truly is a "Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" here in Mission Viejo! Here are a few pic's of our 5 star hotel...

 Oh yes...the hot's been fabulous for soaking our tired footsies...

 Here is a look inside right off the bonus room upstairs where I'm currently Multi-tasking...
 and here is a look at the gorgeous view from my window...unbelievably beautiful!
 We are so thankful to her for taking us in and she has been taking such good care of us....She was feeling a little Camera-Shy today but I will snag a picture of her before we leave! She is just a doll...

Okay well, I've got to wrap it up girls and get my rolly bag all packed up for the Opening Day of the SHOW!!! My plan is to scope out and walk the entire floor today...not sure it can be done...but I'm gonna try my best! I promise to take tons of Pictures for YOU!!!! May try to do a little amatuer video-ing too :)

Remember to keep posting those comments....Post as many times on as many posts as you like!!! At the rate we're going with donations and give-aways...EvERyBodY might be a WINNER!!!!
Keep Creating!
Miss Tracy :)
P.S. I apologize for any typos or grammatical time to edit....have to finish my makeup, hair, reload the memory card, pack the extra battery, grab my order forms, business cards, etc. etc. etc. I'll be ready to wheel and deal this morning! Bring on the order forms!!!


  1. I am sure Mrs. Rogers is having just as much fun with you all there.. listening to the LBH wheels a turning... next year she just might have a paint job she will love... BLUE! loll.. so glad you have such a homey place to retreat too.. Thanks Mrs. Rogers..

  2. Looks like an amazing place to soak your tired feet and refuel your creative brains.. Have fun.
    3 Quilting Sistas

  3. Sounds like you are having a great time...doing what you do best, multi-tasking!!!

    Patty Bassham

  4. Beautiful accommodations!! Much needed after a long day of learning and shopping!

  5. Your crown will be waiting for you when you get home! :) Aren't women the best???

  6. Looks like a great place to stay - it is good you can stay there - have a fun day today

  7. If Mrs. Rogers is like her daughter Hilary I know you are being treated well. I got tired just reading what you were doing all at one time. I am so jealous of you all seeing all these wonderful and amazing products. Hope you all have a safe trip home.

  8. That view is beautiful! Sounds like CHA is just as awesome and I imagine it being!

  9. Glad you had Mrs Rodgers home away from home to relax after that great day at CHA!

  10. Beautiful! Makes me think it's time for a trip to the west coast. Have fun.

  11. You make me laugh so much. I can totally see you multitasking. You will probably need to sleep for two days straight when you get home. Have a great day today.

  12. This looks so much better than your previous cramped hotel room.
    P.S....tell Susan that Pinterest misses her!!!LOL

  13. Looks like a fun-filled day in sunny California. Enjoy for me, too!

  14. Sure wish I was there, looks beautiful and warm. Can't wait to see all the fun things you have planned.

  15. I'm betting that YOU--WILL walk the entire floor today!! You ROCK!! Can't wait for the next blog post!!

  16. Oh, what fun you all are having. Can't wait to see all the pictures from today. Get to walking girly!

  17. Looks like Mrs. Rogers has a lovely home and it's so awesome she has invited you to stay there! I can't wait to see what you girls have learned!

  18. Really nice digs and so nice of Hilary's mom to take you girls in. Looks like fun and you are learning so much. Can't wait for you to share. Yearography is cut. Need a couple of papers. Creme and aqua card stock. Don't play too hard. Mimi duties began today for me. Have fun!!!

  19. Sounds like you need a personal assistant - I volunteer! : )

  20. Mrs. Roger's home fabulous! It sounds like ya'll are having blast! Enjoy it!

  21. You go, Miss Tracy. That's some awesome multi-tasking! Have a great day in sunny CA!

  22. I very envious! :) Sounds like a wonderful adventure! Can't wait to see what you come back to the House with! Safe travels!

  23. Looks like you are having a lot of fun. Good thing you have a hot tub to use.

  24. WOW! Really sounds like you ladies are having a bLaSt!!!! So glad to hear you are enjoying yourselves! ~Hugs

  25. That is some swanky digs you got there Mrs. Tracy. You and the LBH gals are lucky to know Mrs. Rogers!!! Keep on postin, I am loving seeing all the goodies and hearing about your adventures! See you at PB Weds. night.

  26. Fun!!!! A spa, hotel, friends, crafting!! Woo hoo!

  27. I will have to go follow you on Twitter now! :)

  28. What a lovely home and beautiful view you have there.The multitasking thing is hilarious. I love days like that but you always have to check yourself as you run out the door to make sure that you are properly dressed...both shoes, all necessary parts covered, etc...LOL! What a great adventure you all are having and it sounds like you are learning a lot, too! Can't wait to hear more about it. I will look for you on Twitter! Have fun!

  29. Looks amazing!!!! Have fun! I can't wait to see everything you bring back!

  30. Where you are staying looks beautiful. You all will come back refreshed and ready to craft.

  31. What a beautiful place. What is your twitter name??? I will have to look you up.

  32. sounds like a wil and crazy time. can't wait to see all the new stuff you have to introduce us to .

  33. My twitter name is MissTracyLBH...look forward to "tweet"ing with you##

  34. Sounds like y'all are having a fabulous time!! I see Bazzil is now making 12x24 cardstock! Any chance you'll get a few sheets of those in?

  35. I don't know Elaine...I'm struggling with where I would put it in the HoUsE! 12x24 is a whoppin' piece of paper...

  36. Have a great time! Can't wait to see what you bring back!

  37. There for a bit I thought I was in mission viejo...looked outside and no mountains. Bleh. Gorgeous view you have

  38. Sounds like your trip is a WIN-WIN!
    CHA and having a beautiful place that looks homey and welcoming and with great friends and your daughter. Enjoy yourself while your away from the hustle and bustle of everyday chores and tasks

  39. love the pictures and the vicariously through you! Have fun!

  40. The place is gorgeous and WHAT A VIEW!! All the new techniques and projects looks like loads of fun. I can't wait for ya'll to share them with me when you get back :)

  41. I sure wish I was there too. It all looks so fun!!!!!!

  42. can't wait to see the new goodies in Day #4 post!!! thanks again for showing!!!

  43. What a beautiful home and view! But please don't get too settled in because we can't for you ladies to get back to the LBH!!! Thank you for taking us on the trip with you via photos and updates!

  44. Your "home away from home" looked like a nice to stay! Glad ya'll had a good time!

  45. So jealous!!! Looks like lovely weather!

  46. I am here to see if what you said was true about having enough stuff to give away to all your posters but by the looks of it, your fan base is bigger than you know! And by the looks of it, you have aced multi-tasking.

  47. Oh I can't wait for more little blue house videos and it would great if I could take on line classes from you crafty gals too! So, does Mrs. Rogers take reservations? :)

  48. My wife wants prizes. She needs more stuff.

  49. What a beautiful view you had! Love the "sneak peeks" we are getting.

  50. Fun times and great memories. Mrs Rogers sounds like a very lovely lady.

  51. All the *NEW* cool stuff is at the LBH!!! just say'n...


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