LBH Tabs

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Time 2 Pack!!!

Okay gals, I know you are anxiously awaiting our next post of our CHA Adventure here in CA....but I'm super-pressed for I will have to work on that post when I return to TX ....Now if you are wondering why I'm pressed for's because I'm trying to PAcK ALL the LoOt!!!!!!!

Look at this...

What a TON of GOODIES right???!!!????
I only brought two suitcases one packed inside of another....but that ain't gonna cut it ladies....I will have to wear every article of clothing I brought with me and even at that, there's NO WAY I could get everything in those bags...

But never fear my friends, Mrs. Rogers came to the rescue and is loaning us more suitcases!
She is an absolute ANgeL!!!!!!
Kristyn and I managed to get everything packed....

We are flying home with 5 SUITCASES, and 4 (very stuffed) CARRY ON BAGS....that's not including any of the other LBH Gals luggage...
Now we have the great feat of getting all of it in the rental van and have room for 6 bodies too!!!

I know you are looking forward to the Day #6 post....and I assure you it'll be a goodie....I took another 356 pictures that day...YOU will LOVE what you SEE! So stay tuned for more...become an LBH Blog Follower today and please keep those comments coming!!!!!
The Little Blue House will be busting at the seems with great give-aways!!!!

We're flying home this afternoon...will get in by 11pm (hopefully we won't get bumped)...We've had a great time but we are all anxious to get back home to our family, friends, and our
 dear, sweet, Little Blue House!
Enjoy your day!
Miss Tracy :)


  1. All those bags!!!! I want to know how much you had to pay for extra baggage!!!! Can't wait to see the photos

  2. I'm with Daniela - I can't even imagine your extra baggage bills, or the overweight baggage bills! YIKES! It's been a blast reading about your trip!

  3. My eyes are twinkling with excitement seeing all the goodies!

  4. Wowza! Now THAT is a haul! Safe travels to you all! I will be here anxiously awaiting the slideshow of pics. See you soon!

  5. Cathy is gonna need more bhb for a haul like that

  6. I'm seeing lots of pretties in that stash! Glad you found extra bags.

  7. AMAZING!!! You will need several vans to pick u up!!! :0) how exciting! Can't wait to see more tomorrow and if I'm a winner ;0)

  8. I feel like I'm playing the "I Spy" game as I look at these scrap goodies and tote bags. So excited and can't wait to see the pixs you have to show us. Glad you ladies had a great time and took the time to post and let us follow along. Safe travels and hope to see you soon at the LBH!

  9. Wow! That is a ton of stuff! How fun going through all of it!

  10. Looks like you definitely hit the jackpot with tons of prizes. Safe travels.

  11. OOOO Ma Goodness...look at all the goodies and all the suitcases!!! Be safe on your travels home and can't wait for all the pics to come!!!!!!

  12. I can't believe all those goodies! Safe travel home.

  13. I will volunteer to help you unpack! lol! That would be so much fun!

  14. Also, can't wait to see all the rest of your pictures!

  15. Lol! Please tell me you took a picture of all of you packed in the sardine mobile. Can't wait to see all the photos. Safe travels to you all.

  16. Oh my I am so waiting to see all the wonderful stuff.
    Hugs, Janice Stanton

  17. Oh man! Would love to sort through all those goodies! Safe travels back to Dallas!

  18. Wow! That's a lot of shopping. I know you had a blast and I can't wait to see what you bring back. I think you'll have to empty the store to fit it all in!

  19. OMG Tracy, how did you get all the luggage and the passengers in the van. I am really looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures and hearing about your flight home and how the lugguage and the carry ons made it:) !!

  20. How awesome...what treasures you must have secured!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Safe travels! Linn

  21. I thought I travel with a lot of bags but wow, can't wait to see all the new stuff!

  22. I'm showing these pictures to Duane! so he'll never ever tell me I have too many suitcases again!!!
    But I can't wait to see what all you have in those bags!!! Pictures are great but hands on is better!
    Welcome Home!

  23. OMG can't believe the loot you have. What a wonderful trip. Have a safe trip home.

  24. So I guess the saying "travel light" really went out the window! Its crazy wonderful what you all had to bring back. Glad to hear you got back safely!

  25. OMG!! That's a LOT of stuff!! And how many suitcases are there? I hope the plane won't be flying sideways with all that loot in it!!

  26. Look at all that scrappy loot! Hope you all are safe and sound at home now! Can't wait for you all to get settled in and show us even more of CHA! Thank you, Ladies!

  27. Oh my does it look like you have the goodies!!! I can't wait to see the pictures and all that is coming up.

  28. Can't wait, can't wait!! Love all the new products and sooo looking forward to new projects!

  29. What fun!!!! Glad you were able to get it in the van!!

  30. We had so much fun last night at page builders hearing some of your CHA stories. Can't wait to see all the pics and see all the new loot coming in!!

  31. WOW! Y'all sure had LOTS to pack up and haul back to TX! lol! Can't wait to see what you gals have in store for us!

  32. All those goodies in those bags, surely some of those need to come live with me!

  33. What a haul. Can't wait to see what LBH has in store for us now.

  34. This blows me away! Everyone was so generous! How exciting! I cannot believe how much you have there to pack!!!! WOW!!

  35. Can't even imagine what it cost to get all that home! Looking forward to seeing all the goodies.

  36. You look like a kid going through her Halloween candy after a long night of Trick or Treating! Thank heaven you were flying non-rev and didn't have to pay baggage fees.

  37. Jack Pot!! I love how you had it all spread out- like a new mama!!

  38. I am hoping those bags are empty and came home FULL!!!

  39. My wife wants prizes. She needs more stuff.

  40. We cannot wait for you ladies to create new buffet classes now that you have all new stuff.

  41. Look at all those goodies can't wait to get my hands on them.

  42. Omg I have to get up there and see the new goodies!!!! In fact I took my test tonight. LBH here I come!!!! I gotta see the goods. Tracy next year I will lone a bag to transport goods home if I get to keep it. Lol. Just kidding see you soon!

  43. Insane!!! Looks like it was a productive and bountiful trip!

  44. Please pick me!!!! I want to win Ms Tracy

  45. Such fantastic goodies y'all are packing! I miss trying to cram all those wonderful things into carry-ons! Can't wait to see everything new the LBH will carry!!

  46. Wow....look at those suitcases.....!

  47. Please pick me!!!!! I love it all :0)


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