LBH Tabs

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Another Quick Peek....from "Just Add Water"

Happy Weekend!!!
Only two more days until the Grand Reveal of our newest Front Porch Kit release....
"Just Add Water" is ready to make it's Big Splash into your Paper Crafting Projects!  Here is another great peek from the "Just Add Water" Design Board...

The "Just Add Water' Design Board will be on display at the Little Blue House this Tuesday! Make plans to stop by and see never do it justice. 

Remember to post your comments here for a chance to WIN a FREE kit...I will be drawing the lucky winner this Tuesday after the Grand Reveal and announce on Wednesday! 

We are currently packing all the that we can "float" them over to your Front Porch this week!

Keep Creating!
Miss Tracy :)

P.S. How many hot glue sticks do you think it takes to complete a Design Board??????


  1. i am guessing 10 big glue sticks!!!

  2. Another glimpse of a towel and fabrics. Pretty.

  3. Just got back from the water park and took some more pictures!

  4. I can see with this kit I just need to add beach picture of my grandkids.

  5. AWESOME!!!!!
    I think it takes about 13 glue sticks to make the board.

  6. Nice sneak!!! I like what I see!! I will guess my lucky number 14 glue sticks.

  7. Oooooh, I saw bathing suits--my GD, Avery, and I have a lot of bathing suit and pool pictures!! Just "float" a kit over to our back porch!
    Bet you use at least 4 glue sticks!

  8. An even dozen glue sticks? Fun name for the kit!

  9. Oh girls....have you seen how BIG my Design Boards are??? Everybody is guessing LoW...I should've had you guess how many Hot Glue burns I get from each board...haha!

  10. Love your comments. Keep'em Coming!!!

  11. I would love to win this! I miss you guys Tracy. I hope I can get away and come and craft soon. My husband was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Hope to see you soon!

  12. Looks like another great kit, Tracy. I don't know how you get so much into a kit (or onto a design board). I could use your help the next time I'm packing my suitcase!

  13. Looks like a summer fun one..I bet you use at least a package of glue

  14. Maybe twenty four really dont know but the sneak peeks have been yummy!

  15. Loving the colors & textures!!! Given the TX heat everyone can use this FPK!!!! Looking forward to the big reveal!

  16. Love the color combo and the different patterns here. I want to see it all!!!

  17. Love this kit... I'm very excited about seeing it close up. The bathing suits are so cute and I love the fabrics!

  18. The sneak peaks keep getting better, I just can't stand the wait. Hope I can get by the store tomorrow and take a really good look! :O)

  19. love the color combos and the little shell looking things..10 glue sticks and 40 glue stick burns!!

  20. Love the colors and the swim suits. For normal people, 13 glue sticks and for Susie 50 glue sticks and a big mess!!

  21. I'm betting you used an entire package - maybe And for those burns - be sure to keep a bowl of ice cold water next to you so when you get that hot glue on you, immediately put your hand in the water and it will prevent burns...or at least lessen them. :) Can't wait for the full reveal and thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  22. I'm guessing 32 glue sticks and 3 burns.


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