LBH Tabs

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tacky Tie Challenge

Good Morning,

Over Fathers Day weekend,
 The Little Blue House
sent out a challenge to our crafters.
Create Something from an Old "Tacky" Tie.  Anything you wanted, No Rules! Doesn't that sound fun?
We got some amazing returns too, but before we show you the submissions and winners, here's what some of the Front Porch Design Team members created.

I made a wristlet for my iPhone with mine


And here are some of the entries from our wonderful crafters...

Sandy Wyant

 Kelly Bailey

Dee Dee Johnson

These are some great ideas!  
The LBH Gals love to see the creativity of our customers!

We would like to extend a special prize to
Sandy, Pattie, Dee Dee, and Kelly for submitting these wonderful tacky tie projects!

Please stop by or contact the Little Blue House to claim your prize.

Keep Creating!
LBH Gals


  1. Congrats girls, Thanks for playing. You are all so clever.

  2. I love them all. and know I will surely be making some more stuff with my tacky ties.. Thanks LBH and Miss Tracy...


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