LBH Tabs

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The BOX SALE is BACK!!!!

Who is Ready for a Sale?!?!
LBBlow Out Box Sale  
We will be filling up our Studio with LOADS of 
Papers and Products at a Clearance Price...
Just for you!!!

Friday August 23rd  5pm - 9pm
(or while supplies last)
Cost  $20 per box (cash only)
Here's how it works:
 If you would like to participate in this Sale,
 simply show up at the LBH (5pm-9pm), meet Miss Tracy in the kitchen, she will collect $20 cash and give you a box (13x13x3 same size as our FPK boxes)...
You head to the studio rooms and FILL IT UP with whatever goodies you want!
...and we have a TON of Scraptastic Goodies, Fabulous Papers, Embellies, Lotions & Potions, Stamps, and oh so much MORE!

Both Studio Rooms will be Full of Product to
Fill Up your Boxes!!!  (while supplies last)
We will tape up your box when you leave the studio so Make Sure you are done before you go shopping in the other rooms of the HouSe and Make Sure your box can close before you bring it to us.

There will be NO cropping during the day on Friday 8/23 because we will be setting up for the sale. The LBH will be open all day and the sale will begin at exactly 5pm.

Ready, Set, Shop!
Miss Tracy :)

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