LBH Tabs

Friday, January 17, 2014

Say it with Junk Miss T's Pickers Workshop

Calling ALL Pickers & Junkies! 

After my Pickers Retreat in the fall...we rec'd a crazy, over-whelming response to mine and the other retreater's "Say it with Junk" projects. So I have decided to repeat the project....along with a little bonus outing! 
The workshop will be held on Sunday, Jan 19th from 2pm-6pm and we will also be taking a quick field trip to Pickers Point (which is right up the road from the LBH). The cost for this workshop will be $25 and I will have a variety of drawer fronts and other wood items for you to build your wood on. I will also be sharing my home-made chalk paint recipe with you gals. 
It's going to be tons of fun and I hope you will make plans to join us. Seating is limited so don't or stop by the Little Blue House to reserve your spot soon.

"Say it with Junk" Pickers Project 

Sunday Jan 19th 2pm-6pm

Cost: $25.00

~Call or Come by the LBH to Reserve your Spot~

I also want to share with you a sneak peek of my

NEW JunKinG Layout now on display at

The Little Blue House!

It will be perfect for my most recent Canton outing and pics of all of the Picker's Retreat!  

Hope to see you in the HouSe this weekend!

Keep Creating,
Miss Tracy

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