LBH Tabs

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wink of Stella Product Review Part 2

Are you Ready for more Wink of Stella Fun!?!
We have several more great reviews on this Glittery tool plus a few sneak peeks of what's to come this week on the Blog!
Susan Liles Wink of Stella Review
One of the coolest (and new to me) products I've come across are the Wink of Stella pens that we carry at The Little Blue House.  They come in lots of colors and are an amazing brush type liquid glitter ink pen that totally delivers on the shimmer!  With the brush tip pens, you can get a thin or thick line, depending on how heavily you press down as you use the pen.  One of the other things I was impressed with is how quickly they dry to the touch--almost immediately!

One of the first things I did on my layout was take my base piece of paper with the yellow stripes and enhanced it with my yellow WOS brush.  I simply went along the top edge of every stripe and used light, then heavy pressure on my pen in one motion to create a wavy glittery line on each stripe.  At first I wasn't sure if it would show up, but the "yellow on yellow" was perfect. 

I then continued with my layout and used the pen to also add some yellow shimmer to some of the embellishments and parts of the grid paper to tie in with the stripes I had also highlighted.  
Here's a quick peek at another way I used the Wink of Stella Glitter Brush on an upcoming project that you'll see more detail of very soon!  WINK!!!  WINK!!! 

Nat & Cat Wink of Stella Review
It's Nat from The Blue Crew with my PERSONAL review of
the Wink of Stella Brushes! In short, I love this product but it does taking some practice with the application technique.  The pen does dispense a lot of heavy "ink" if you are not careful.  I would suggest some practice runs on some scratch paper.  
I used "dark pink" on the lunch box notes and shaker card frame.  This product is great for covering wood and chipboard elements, as I did on the lunch box notes.  When painting chipboard, you may need to apply a few coats of WOS as the chipboard really soaks in the color.
The frame on the shaker card has a glossy finish so it was necessary for me to do a light coat of acrylic paint on the frame before applying the WOS. Otherwise, the WOS just wiped right off.
Cat used the "silver" on the Beauty Layout accented some of the flowers and title.

I used "clear"on the Get Well tag (used it over the "Get Well" sentiment). Something I learned from the other designers regarding the "clear" WOS. Initially, I thought the "clear" was inconsistent. At times, it worked like a charm....other times, I ruined some things because it looked to be messy and silver.  After mentioning this, I was told it could be that the product needs to be shaken........more.  So, be sure and shake the WOS well before application to get the "true" color. I love the pigmentation the Wink of Stella Glitter Brushes  provides. And the coverage is wonderful.
Valerie Bishops' Wink of Stella Review
I received the Dark Pink Wink of Stella Glitter Brush in my Media Kit this month.
I really loved the colors and the touch of glitter it leaves when you use.

I had a definite learning curve and it took me some practice to get the look I wanted because the brush is not very stiff, it's long and bendy. I found it was a little hard to be really accurate in small areas. It works beautifully when I used it to color the edges on my projects.
I used the brush on my tag - I inked around each piece of the die-cut flower

and I used it on my "Best Ever" layout when I colored a few of the hearts on the background of my layout. I made the heart background using a mask and tinted modeling paste. 

I hope you enjoyed learning about Wink of Stella Brushes!
Come stock up on all your favorite colors at The Little Blue House or order at 
LBH Online Store!

Here is a Sneak Peek at what's Coming up on the Blog this Week.....
Join us for 3 days of Be Inspired Project Tutorials featuring Dear Lizzy: Serendipity Collection!!

1 comment:

  1. Loved all the projects made with WOS! Got to see Susan's in person and it is so COOL! Thanks, Blue Crew, for all the tips on using the pens. I'll definitely practice using them before I delve into a project!


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