Monday, January 30, 2012

CHA Adventure: Day #4

Goooooood Mooooorrrrnnnninnnnng!
(It's still evening here...but I figure most of you won't read this
till your sippin' on that first cup of coffee)
Okay gals, I have to warn you...I'm typing up this post in a late night stupor...I'm having a wonderful time here at CHA but I am on major CrAfTy SenSoRy OVERLOAD!!!! My goal was to walk the entire show floor today...I made it slightly to half...So I've got to pick up the pace tomorrow and git'er done!!!!

I have taken SO SO SO SO SO many photos today...317 to be exact!! I was desperately trying to get a slide show up for ya...but evidently the stars aren't quite lined up... and it's taking way too long. I promise to create one as soon as I return home to share ALL of our photos...

In the are just a few to satisfy you for now...
this one I'm certain is going to get a very high squeal factor from some of you...Tracy w/ Helmar has created a prototype for a glue bottle storing them upside down, it will eliminate the "burping up" syndrome that our glue bottles sometimes have! I'm super excited about it...I told her to leave them unfinished cuz then we can all paint them up and alter them in our own unique style! It even has a drip tray that easily slides out...She did GooD huh?!?!
Can anyone say Ice Ice Baby?!?!?? You are gonna love the NEW colors of ICE Stickles...Ranger has taken some of the Stickles best sellers and super-sized the glitzy yum into ICE Stickles! I love the chunky glitter and the bigger bottle!
 Also introducing something NEW...(sorry for the camera glare)
It's Dylusions Mists...
 These mists are so striking...drop dead color!!! and they are a NEW featured product along with some fabulous stencils from Ranger's NEW artist Dyann...
 She is super-talented and has a very unique style (along with a delightful accent...I love listening to her as she did her demos today). Here's a quick look at one of her sample projects...
 and here is a look at the display for the Distress Ink can purchase them individually or if you just have to have them ALL right me :)
You can purchase the entire is housed in a tube cylinder...great for storage! The storage cylinder will also be sold seperately for those of you that choose to acquire a couple at a time...

 Here are a few other project pic's to inspire you...

 Tim's NEW Alterations dies are to "die" for.....LOL! Sorry, I couldn't help myself...been wanting to use that pun for a while now...hee hee! There are many new's a look at a few...this one  has a special sentiment on it ...from me to you...
a few more pretties to look at..... 

Here's a peek at some one-of-a-kind projects that were on display in Jenni Bowlin's booth...Love the look of these....I really felt inspired by these creations... 

Jenni is such an inspiration to me and I love how personable she is! She is even going to give us the "hook Up" on some great display pieces and some other surprises (not going to tell you just yet :O) for the Little Blue House!  Thanks Jenni...You are the BEST!!

We have seem some really over the top Trees here at the show...Take a look at this one...It may be hard to tell but it is covered in clusters of paper butterflies and beautiful crystals, keys, and other "junque"-y sweetness...

Here's a little more scrappy joy for you... 

Here's a project that simply BLEW me AWAY!!! It features the NEW Abroad line from Studio Calico...I thought was so clever.... the states are die cut pieces that are packaged as an embellishment to the paper no fussy cutting!

Here is a little eye candy from the Sizzix booth.... 

We caught ourselves all taking pictures of it at the same time...look at the reflection in the mirror...we look like the Crafty Papparazzi!!!...(Susan tells me that's how you spell it)

Kristyn got really excited today as we learned all about Ice Resin!
 Talk about a KewL product...can't wait to show you more... 

Susan enjoyed visiting with Kristen Robinson...the author of Tales of Adornment. She actually wore a necklace today that she won on Kristen's blog.... 
and now for even more pretties...

We loved meeting up with Paige Evans and Amy Tan today! Amy was kind enough to donate an autographed sketch book that we will be giving away to one lucky commenter!
 I love the look of her new line...Sketchbook!

Loved her t-shirt too....super cute...
and on that note...I think I better get off this laptop and try to get some rest! Have one more day and a whole lotta ground to cover!!! Love you Gals...please keep those comments coming! The LBH gals and I love reading them...You really know how to make us smile!!!

Be Kind...Be Crafty!
Miss Tracy :)
P.S. Look what else was released at this show...Tim junkees are gonna luv it! A Compendium of Curiosities Volume II


  1. Can't believe I'm the first commenter--but we're up late watching a movie.
    Love ALL the Jennie Bowlin stuff and I saw 6 Tim Holtz' dies that I say also are to "die for"!!
    Love everything I've seen on this post, especially the tape measure tapes in all the different shades,etc!
    Hope you see the rest of the hall tomorrow!! We want to hear "all about it" at crop on Friday night!! GO TO SLEEP!!

  2. How do you figure out what wonderful ideas you bring home to us. I get up every morning to see what y'all have found.
    Janice Stanton

  3. So much yummy goodness! I can't even begin to decide what looks best! Love looking at all of the pictures.

  4. Love, love, love that butterfly tree! I might have to make one of those for my craft room! In a smaller version, of course....

  5. Now I am on craft over load.. Wowsers.. I got dibbs on one of those glue stations please.. Love that!!... need that!!.. and that adornment book Susan is holding onto also please!!... lol.. wow I love all the pictures of such a fun time... keep on keeping on...

  6. I want it ALL. Hope you are dreaming up a bunch of projects with a bunch of prep :). Have a good day today. All of you.

  7. That scream you heard was me! New stickles (need one of every new color)! And hello Helmar!!!!! Atlas:-). Gotta have it.

  8. And you ARE buying it all, right?
    Needing a glue station and new dies and TX sized Stickles and ribbons and Jenni Bowlin schtuff and ....

  9. Love love love and super likey the new Maya trims.

  10. I love the vintagey goodness of Jenni Bowlin and Ranger.
    What a hard decision you have choosing what to buy...or should I say what will sell. Everything looks good when you are at market!

  11. I love Paige. She is so sweet and creative. That I've resin is pretty cool. I don't have any bit I have the rubber molds to make flowers. I know you can color it with reinkers. Can't wait to see more photos.

  12. My favorite post of the day - the picture of all of you in the mirror taking a picture of the same product. You are so funny! I am a little on overload with all the products so can't imagine how all of you are feeling.

  13. definitely want to try the dressed manniquin and the cigar box and the iced resin...and of course more..LOL

  14. Thanks again for all the great photos, it was really fun looking at them all. It was nice to see your faces in a few of them as well. Very excited about all the new goodies that will be coming our way soon!!

  15. I liked your entire post. All the pictures looked really neat and fun. Can't wait to see the slide show. Ok, y'all be good and have fun..See you Thursday..

  16. Wow!! Can't wait to see what you bring home and then what you do with it!! So much FUN new stuff to play with!

  17. I'm loving all of tim's new releases and the studio calico places i've been is very unique. Amy Tan's new line looks neat hope you bring that to LBH this spring along with the Heidi Swapp Sugar Chic

  18. I have already called Rhonda ordering a set of distress markers!! I can barely wait to see new products and new ideas!!

  19. Very cool stuff!! I have some great techniques for the Ice resin and paper. Looking forward to seeing what you bring back. I need one of those JB chalkboard easels!!

  20. Your post is wonderful. It is almost as good as being there. Not that I would know, just guessing. But you have done a super job of showing us what you have seen. I think I am going to have to move in with Elaine so I can try out all this "stuff". Don't tell her I said so.

  21. If I were there I would think I died and went to heaven! See you at LBH when you get back!

  22. Each day I read your post and get more and more excited about your return. Can't wait to have you pass on all the new ideas to us!!!

  23. I seriously dont know how you girls decide what to buy! Even in the photos it all looks seriously awesome. Cant imagine how giddy you must be to see and touch it in person. Have a wonderful and productive day.

  24. WOW oh WOW!!!! I am literally drooling as I go through all of the photos! SpEcTaCulAr creations! Can't wait what you ladies have in store for us with ALL of these wonderful NEW releases! ~Hugs

  25. I'm in sensory overload and I'm not even there! I can't wait see all the creative stuff that will be happening when you return!

  26. Totally on overload just looking at the pictures - can't decide what I want 1st - doesn't seem to be anything I don't like..... Glad you gals are having fun; you must be absolutely positively exhausted!!!

  27. I agree with everyone above. On sensory overload with just the pictures, not sure how you guys take all that in, with just a few days. I don't know how you fall asleep at night just thinking about it all! Can't wait to see you when you come back with all your 'inspiration'!

  28. Love the states from Studio Calico...great idea. Looks like you are having fun.

  29. Looks like you gal's are having a blast at the convention. I can't wait to hear about all of the crafty experiences you all have had along the way!

  30. You took great pictures!! Sounds like you had a wonderful filled and tiring day!! I can't wait for day #5!!! Thanks for posting pics and the 411 on the new goodies :)

  31. oh gosh love all the Tim stuff!!! Can't wait to see it all~ Loving the photos and see all kinds of goodness.... to much fun I'm sure!
    (hope this one shows up my first one didn't)

  32. Eye candy, markers and ribbon....Oh my!!! Can't wait to see your ideas for us!!!!

  33. Really looking forward to all of these awesome products to arrive at the LBH! Thank you for taking the time to share what's going on in that crafty wonderland, CHA! Oh, please stop by Crate Paper and October Afternoon if you get a chance! Thank you so much!

  34. I can't wait to see what awesome projects you all come up with. Although looking at all this stuff, I don't know how you are going to decide what to use. Hope you enjoyed your last day and safe travels home ladies!

  35. It is all so amazing. Tim's stuff you know is my favorite but the ribbon and the tree just lovely. Thanks for keeping us posted with all your great photos. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  36. I felt like I was right there with you. Great pics. Awesome product. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

  37. It looks like you are having so much fun. Glad you all are there to bring back more ideas and products. Still think you could be teaching those out there at CHA a few things too! Beverly S.

  38. I want some markers! And Jenni Bowlin and everything :0) love y'all!

  39. and I hope u get that travel abroad line with the states! :0)

  40. Love those mists!!! Gorgeous :0) and I see that sectioned cigar box Ms Tracy! Want em :0)

  41. BTW I LOVED the butterfly tree!

  42. Looking forward to all that great product and all the tantalizing projects!

  43. Hope you made it home safe and happy. Get some rest!!!!
    Janice Stanton

  44. I'm cleaning my studio to make room for new product!! Ribbons, and markers, and paper, oh my!!!

  45. BTW, cleaning does not mean getting rid of anything! I'm just making room:-)

  46. I am not sure how I missed days.....This is too much "fun" to see the real people that are the names on so many awesome products I buy. Tim's new book! That makes me really excited! I can't wait to see it! So many awesome ideas! It is crafting overload! :-)

  47. Beautiful Tim's stuff!

  48. I can,t wait to see simple stories products.

  49. I can NOT wait to come in shop and see ALL the new stuff... AND spend my Christmas gift certificates!!

  50. Every time I look at these pictures I see things I missed!

  51. My wife wants prizes. She needs more stuff.

  52. Just looking at these pictures you took gets me excited about what you ladies will create.

  53. STICKLES!! love love love,

    Mothers day layout is really cool too.

  54. Can't wait to see all the new product!!

  55. Can't stop looking at all the yummies in all the pictures....

  56. stickles, distress markers so many fun projects awwwww on eye candy overload.

  57. WOW talk about crafty overload!! Really neat stuff and very inspiring!

  58. That butterly tree is stunning. Lots of great crafy treats.

  59. I can't wait to use the new Distress Markers! Oh so many goodies!!!! I want them all!!

  60. Sooooo excited to see the markers and love the butterfly tree!

  61. I love it all! Great ideas and new stuff.

  62. As always -- love the Tim Holtz things!

  63. It's all GOOD!!!! LOve all the new goodies!


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